Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mail Call from Thailand!

Every time I go to check my mail, I shuffle through the envelopes to find big, bold, blue letters that read, "Message from your sponsored child!" I was so happy to receive letters from all three of my sponsor children the past several days. (Thank you to Michele from Blogging from the Boonies for the picture!)

The first letter I received was from my dear Chatchai from Thailand. It was addressed May 31, 2011 and was received on July 23, 2011. Since he is still young and unable to write, he dictates his letter to Compassion worker.

Dear Maria,

Hello! I write this letter to you on behalf of Chatchai because he can't write the letter to you by himself. He would like to thank you so much for sending him the birthday gift. He spent the money to buy the clothes. He keeps some money to buy the sweets. Chatchai and his family are fine now. He likes to study about sculpture the most. He likes the book that you sent to him (extra Scholastic News magazines that I had from my classroom). The pictures are very beautiful but he can't read that book. He bought the cake and and ate with his friends at the Project. He likes the dog very much but he has the pigs and the chickens at home (I asked him what his favorite animal was). However, he like the dog. He likes to study about spiritual part because it's fun. He learns to know many stories such as Chinese millionaire that he likes. On a Christmas, the Project had the celebration. Chatchai and his family went to join in the Christmas celebration at the church (which was awesome because his parents have not come to Christ yet). He showed dancing and doing many activities. He got a lot of fun. His parents grow plants, They didn't get any effects from the earthquake happened. I would like you to pray for his trip to the Project. May God bless you and your family.

Love and Respect,

The Project's manager

I love Chatchai's energy in his letters as he tries to answer all the questions I ask him in the letters I send him.

Please stop back again to read letters from my other two Compassion children.

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