Friday, April 27, 2012

Mail Call from Mexico!

I love checking my mail on Mondays because I look forward to getting letters from my kids. The first one is from Nury from Mexico. It was dated February 29, 2012 and was received on April 23, 2012.

Hi Sponsor Maria Le!

I hope you are in good health. I'm in good health. I hope you had a good time on February 14th. I had a good time on February 14th. I spent time with my family and we had a gathering at school and we had a gift exchange. And at school of Compassion we paraded. The parade was nice. I also wanted to tell you that I'm about to pass to 5th grade and it will also be my birthday on April 1st. I will spend time with my family on holidays. AT the project I will continue praising God. My family is good health. My grandma is learning more about God. Thank you for the figures and the pictures. My family and I are doing well. I want to say hi to all your family. Well, bye and may God Bless you.


Please pray for: My family
I would like to ask you: When is your birthday?
I want to thank you for: the figures and the pictures

Love hearing that she is doing so well and is so engulfed in God! Nury just turned 11 years-old this past April 1st. Please pray that she continues to grown into the beautiful young lady that God is molding her to be. Please check back to hear about the letter from Chatchai from Thailand!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing your letters. I love receiving letters! It is amazing hearing how she talks about Jesus!



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